I am 20 weeks today, and couldn't be more excited :) I am yet to feel the baby movements! It's a little discouraging when i read posts and week-by-week newsletter telling me I should be feeling it by now, but I heard his heart beating last night, that got me calmer, and tomorrow I have my 4th Doctor appointment.
I love my OBGYN, Dr, Safaa Maklad, she is very personable and very nice, I love the fact that she is younger, she is an Egyptian/American like the baby will be isA, so that's exciting, also she'll continue to be our family doctor, so that's wonderful.
During the first three months of pregnancy I did not have any symptoms whatsoever! no morning sickness, craving, aversion, nothing at all, starting with my second trimester, I only have one major pain which is my frequent and strong heartburn. It normally happens when I miss a meal or a snack, and at night, it gets very uncomfortable to a crying point when I can not go to sleep because of it. Thank God when I'm home (not on the road or in NYC with husband) I eat well.
So far we've had three ultra sounds, the first was to confirm at 5 weeks and a half, second was another confirmation at 8 weeks, and the last at 18 weeks when we got to see the baby's head, spine, hands, feet and of course we got our money shot that confirmed he is a he :)
I have two step-children from my husband's previous marriage, Ali 7 years old, and Aqeelah 9 years old. we see them about once a month, they are wonderful, and I truly hope that the baby will be as well-behaved as they both are.
I decided on not having a baby shower, although I'd love one, I feel that throwing one for myself would be as if I am asking for gifts, I did register though, that way I have a list of all that I want, and get it bit by bit, and use the discount they offer on anything left on the list.
Half way through :) feels like it's been forever, I still can not believe it's still more than another 4 months till I meet the baby. I have so many questions, so many ideas, so many thoughts, so many hopes, and fears.
My mother is flying from Egypt to help us, she'll be here about three weeks before the Estimated Due Date. I think about that moment a lot, when we're finally there, when we take the bag and the car seat ans speed to the hospital! It will be the middle of winter, I hope snow takes it easy on us this year. When I think of that moment I have a big smile on my face. I hope I'm strong enough to go through with my natural birth plan.
We'll attend a few birthing classes in December, that should be fun, I hope I am in good health and spirits that close to the end.
I am creating this blog with the thought of the baby reading this someday, like a journal, so he knows what we were thinking of when he was still the size of a banana inside my growing belly.
In other news, I am very concerned about this whole ground zero mosque debate, it seems to me that it's simply a new way to open wounds and get people starting new Anti-Islam debates and propaganda! I hope this all vanishes soon, I'm quite sick of all that negative media surrounding Muslims, I thought by now all that would be history!
To conclude on a happier note, I have about 140 days to go, the other day we went to F.A.O Schwarz with my parents before they left, I kept thinking how I wanted to buy everything in the store! Jamel told me you should never bring your child to a place like this, cause they'll go crazy over everything, but I think that's nonsense, you simply tell him/her in advance what the budget is, and guide them through the toys and activities you like best. I can't wait till we take the baby there for his first time.