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Monday, September 27, 2010

Versatile Blogger Award

Samantha @ And Baby WILL Make 3! gave me this award :) she is 3 weeks ahead of me and I'm envious hahaha. I just want this to be over so that I can meet Baby,  it's not that i'm hating being pregnant, on the contrary, I consider myself very lucky, I don't have any major discomforts, and I sleep alright. I'm just so anxious to meet the baby and hold him and love him, that's all.
So Samantha, thank you, and congrats on starting the two-digits-countdown, I can't wait till I start mine in 15 days :) Please visit Samantha's Blog and enjoy the ride,

Now here are the rules to those who I award the Versatile Blogger Award to;

The Rules:
•thank and link back to the person nice enough to give you the award
•share seven things about yourself
•pass the award along to seven other bloggers who you think are fabulous
•contact the bloggers you chose and let them know about the award

Now it's time for 7 things you do not know about me,
  1. I am happily married to my first (and last) boyfriend :-) Been together since December/2007 and married since June/2009.
  2. I was bitten by a dog when I was 7, and had to take those awful shots in my tummy, they hurt. But I still love dogs.
  3. When I was a kid, I thought I'd would turn into a dazzling beauty the day I turn 16, dramatically transform from a child to a teenager, more specifically, turn into the human Ariel "The little Mermaid", I stood in front of the mirror at 12.00 am the night i turned 26 and watched, surprisingly nothing happened!
  4. My biggest regret so far is that I go to NYC almost twice a month now, and yet did not go to a Puccini Opera at the Metropolitan Opera, or a Broadway show!
  5. I am obsessed with this pregnancy and the whole baby thing, I'm trying to chill about it, I'm freaking my husband out.
  6. My plan was to move to NY (from Cairo, Egypt) by 25, get married by 26, and have a baby by 27, so far all working accordingly!!!! no clue how.
  7. I'm terrified that I'm going to be too protective as a mother, too emotionally clingy to the baby, and probably too strict!
Alright, now here are the People I award the Versatile Blogger Award to,

Melinda @ A Thankful Family
Lauren @ Are We There Yet?
Mrs.Green @ Awaiting Our Green Bean
Mrs.V @ Becoming A Family of Three
Paige @ The Turning of Paige
Angie @ Random Thoughts from Angie
May @ Black Velvet Sea

Happy blogging everyone :)


  1. Wow! I am so flattered. This blog is one great idea. Love the theme and things are played out. Keep it up ya Nanooh. How come you never notified me of it when you started it. Keep documenting the countdown till baby :) Miss you!

    May Kosba

  2. Thank you so much for the award! I'm going to post it tomorrow with my 27 week update. Yay! I'm so excited!!

  3. Thanks so much for the award! I've never gotten an award before! I'll be posting it tomorrow (9/30).
