Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 10, 2010

All is well (hopefully Ends well too)

So today was my Ultra sound exam and Doctor appointment to find out why there was something all the way up to my chest as if another uterus, well, it's just my one and only uterus! it simply (for an unknown reason) is all the way up to almost my chest, while I'm 21 weeks pregnant, I measure at 32 weeks! weird, Dr. said she's never seen a uterus that far off, but she is not worried since fluid, baby and myself seem to be just fine.
In other news, the ultra sound was amazing, I ate a bar of chocolate about an hour before the appointment, and the baby was moving like crazy, it was so cute to watch him move his head back and forth, his arms, hands, and legs, I felt much better about NOT feeling him yet, at least I know it's just me not him!
I went to get my eyebrows done today and the 8 months pregnant lady said to me "you do not look pregnant" I had a dress on, so I went home and changed! put my maternity pants on, and looked big and felt happy :)
So we are fine, next appointment in 3 weeks, October 1st, and I'm very pleased with my appointment today, I was so worried that my blood pressure was quite higher than normal, but it's all good now, today was the first day of Eid El Iftar and it was a beautiful day. Baby is happy and dancing, mommy and daddy are very happy and dancing.


  1. So happy for the good news! Isn't it crazy that we're going to the doctor every 3 weeks now?

    I LOVE the exposed brick in your pictures! It gives the room such character. And you REALLY look pregnant to me.

    I got my eyebrows done this afternoon too!!!

  2. Thank you Samantha, I did not know it's officially every three weeks, I thought it was just this time lol, thnx for the tip!
    Yeah i love the exposed bricks too, it was the main reason we got this loft apt, we should be painting the other two walls blue soon, waiting on my father in law to finish the walls for us.
    I know i look pregnant, but i really had on a long loos dress and did not look it at all, won't be wearing it until month 9 i guess lol
    how r u doing? how is ur pregnancy coming along? feeling the baby?
