Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 30, 2010


How Far Along: 24 weeks!

How Big is The Baby: 13.5 inches long, about 1.5 pounds :)

Total Weight Gain: probably 4 pounds plus the 9 before, so maybe 13 pounds, will find out tomorrow.

Maternity Clothes: of course.

Sleep: alright, not too bad.

Gender: Boy :)

Movement: yep, I feel him about twice or three times a day, around 1 pm, around 4, and then around 11 pm :)

Food Cravings: I don't think I have any! just want some herring, and smoked salmon, but not a craving!
 Aversions: as usual, still not a big fan of chicken!

What I Miss: hmmm, sleeping on my tummy.

What I'm looking forward to: tomorrow's appointment, hearing his heart beat, and finishing the nursery (or beginning I should say!)

Milestones: Reached viability which I've been waiting for, this is my second milestone after reaching week 14 :) wow, seems like a long time ago! oh and in other news, Mama (baby's grandma) booked her flight and she is coming here the night before Christmas inshaa Allah.

Symptoms: Heartburn
Emotions: Just very glad to have reached week 24, next goal is week 28 inshaa Allah, then 35, OMG can't wait till I start the double digits count down, only in 12 days.

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