Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 14, 2010

26 Weeks, only 98 days to go isA...

How Far Along: 26 weeks! only 14 to go (12 till full term).

How Big is The Baby: 14.5 inches long, about 2 pounds, the size of a cauliflower head.

Total Weight Gain: two weeks ago it was 16 pounds, so probably 19 by now.

Maternity Clothes: of course.

Sleep: not the best, but alright

Gender: Boy :)

Movement: yep, I feel him about twice or three times a day, around 2 pm, around 6, and then around 11 pm :)

Food Cravings: I don't think I have any! just want some herring, and smoked salmon, but not a craving!
Aversions: as usual, still not a big fan of chicken!

What I Miss: hmmm, sleeping on my tummy, and sleeping the whole night straight.

What I'm looking forward to: Next week appointment, and my birthday, last Tuesday was our first anniversary :) And of course buying furniture for the nursery.

Milestones: Reached the 90% survival rate (if the baby is born premature, my husband hates talking about that stuff)

Symptoms: Heartburn, headaches here and there, fatigue, loss of energy and clumsiness.
Emotions: Just very glad to have reached the third trimester, oh the baby just kicked me, not only that, but the two digits count down started yesterday, 98 days to go now, I'm so excited, so many things happening as well, my mother is coming in 72 days, new years eve is in 77 days, finishing the nursery, and all the fun holidays. Plus of course the final and best of all which is the baby's arrival. I can not wait till I meet him. I wish the days would fly by, but not too fast cause his room isn't ready yet. Overall I feel amazing and anxious.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! I'm so excited you're feeling more movement now!
